- Filters:
- Order Status Filters:
- Order Status Filters lets you define a list of Order Statuses that an order must have in order to be pulled.
- By default, if no Order Statuses are defined in this setting, all orders will be pulled regardless of status
- In the setting, you may define the BigCommerce Status ID, or the System Name of the Order Status. An updated list of those definitions may be found in BigCommerce's documentation: BigCommerce Order Statuses
- BigCommerce allows customers to rename their Order Statuses to any name they'd like. If you'd prefer to filter on the customer defined name you may toggle the setting Search Order Status By Custom Label to true
- If you set this to true, SynchUP Order Puller will no longer look at the System Name and only look at the Customer defined Order Status name
- Please note that a customer is able to define multiple Order Statuses as the same custom name. In this event, SynchUP will not be able to filter on this name and a validation error will occur. In this instance please change Search Order Status By Custom Label to false and use either the System Name or Status ID for Order Status filtering instead
- Order Status Filters:
- Enable BundleB2B Functionality: Makes additional API calls for the order to populate B2B specific data point.